Beer, Bars and Football: Tips for Student Survival at the University of Oklahoma

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There are several things you need to know if you plan on becoming a student at the University of Oklahoma in Norman, USA. First, if you do not like football, keep it to yourself for a while (safety precaution). It is best to get to know people, gain their trust and reveal a few admirable qualities about yourself before you start bashing the game. This will not guarantee that you will not be outcasted, but it does decrease the chances.
Second, if you need to pick up a little extra cash, do this. Find a rental house close to campus, say within six blocks. Make this your home. Get a roommate if you can't afford it on your own. Now, during football season put a big sign in your yard that says, PARK $10. Football goers will pay you to park in the yard on game day. You can even charge $20 if you are within three blocks. Park them everywhere--back yard, front yard, side yard, the porch. Squeeze them in tight and rack up the cash. On the way to the game people are so desperate to park they will pay with minimal or no complaining. A crafty student can easily pull in $200 or more per game.
The only rule to remember is, when the game is over, make yourself scarce. While people are nice and grateful on the way to the game, once it is over, it's a different story. People will be blocked in, car doors might have become dented; there will be fights. You don't want any part of this. Take a few of those new $20s and get to the closest bar, which brings us to the third thing you need to know about going to school and living in Norman. The bars are close and plentiful. There are numerous coin beer specials. In fact, if you get the schedule down correctly, you can drink from Tuesday until Saturday with out paying more than fifty cents for a beer. Most any of them are acceptable to be seen in, however, the only place to be seen on St. Patrick's Day is O'Connells. Being seen at another bar on this day is unacceptable and might actually be impossible, as I think most of the other bar owners close down and hang out at O'Connells as well.
Another word of advice concerns the dress code while frequenting a bar, sporting event (or any event for that matter) in this little college town. It is not required that you wear crimson colored clothes (the offical color of the Sooners), but you will be smiled at more and possible receive a free alcoholic beverage. Donning clothing that actually has the Sooner logo (an interlocking O and U) pushes you up to first class status. There will be much hand shaking and friendly banter between you and the other logo wearing first class citizens.
A fatal error to make in such social situations is to wear the logos or colors of Oklahoma State Univeristy (Color:Orange, Logo:A Cowboy) or the University of Texas (Color:Burnt Orange, Logo: A Longhorn). These are regarded as the highest enemies of the Sooners and showing loyalty toward them will result in anything from a dirty look to a punch in the mouth to the deflation of one's automobile tires.

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