A Conversation for CS Lewis
C.S. Lewis
Researcher 200784 Started conversation Aug 17, 2002
I must say that I am disappointed that people would consider taking an author's meaning out of his own books. As I have heard. Or I should say read. The passage I read said that many people were offened that his, (C.S Lewis) books had blatant religious meaning. And a writter named "Harper" was making a move to rewrite the books the "Cronicals of Narnia", without any referance to religion.
C.S. Lewis
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Aug 17, 2002
I would say this is very unlikely. The Narnia books are still in copyright and will be until 70 years after Lewis died. I can't imagine the owners of the copyright ever authorising such a rewrite. It would be like rewriting the Bible so that it didn't mention God.
C.S. Lewis
manda1111 Posted Aug 18, 2002
Sorry to butt in on your conversation, but if
Researcher "200784"
would go back to there own page and then click on the "EDIT PAGE" button and then write a little something about your self, as this will activate your page and then a ACE can come and welcome you there properly
Sorry for interrupting your conversation
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C.S. Lewis
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