A Conversation for Notes From a Small Planet

Freedom of speech

Post 1

Researcher 198353

Yes, I realize that the Supreme court has ruled that certain actions constitute "freedom of speech." The KKK burning crosses and certain idiots who seek publicity by burning the American flag in front of a V.F.W. are too me, the same thing. These are NOT examples of speech, they are specific actions designed to do maximum damage to very specific persons. I don't give a damn how the Supreme Court "interprets" these actions, they are NOT examples of speech, they are ACTIONS.
And by the way, if you don't agree, let me ask you this. What if a 50 year old man walked up to a 14 year old girl and asked..."Hey baby, how's about you and me go get it on." How much "freedom of speech" do you think this guy will get when he stands in front of a judge? The point is, freedom of speech is a nebulous concept, and despite the 1st Amendment, the only degree that anyone has it, depends on what boobs are currently on the high court.

Freedom of speech

Post 2


I totally agree. And it seems a bit contradictory for 'freedom of speech' to be seen as so sacred in a country where you can't say 'damn' on peak-time TV.

Actually, given the great American fondness for litigation, I suspect that in practice one of the greatest restraints on free speech in the States is probably the libel laws. Everyone must be aware that if you say anything critical about anyone rich and powerful, the legal vultures could swoop on you pretty quickly... even if what you said was true.

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