A Conversation for Notes From a Small Planet
TIMELORD Started conversation May 30, 2002
A few years back* i was working for a world cup match at the supermarket i watch the hole of the first half on a TV in the Electrical department which was at the front of the store we only had 3 people enter the shop in the first 45 minutes all 3 asked "what's the score"
*It was when i first started so it must be 12 years.
Ormondroyd Posted May 30, 2002
Thank you - I think you've illustrated the point I was making in the column very well!
Ah yes, the 1990 World Cup. Cameroon beating Argentina, England getting to the semis, Ireland making the last eight. Lots of good stuff. Unfortunately, it also had the worst final ever, but you can't have everything. It's a funny old game.
TIMELORD Posted Jun 2, 2002
By the way don't stay up to late you have to be up for thr England match.
Ormondroyd Posted Jun 2, 2002
England match? I've got my alarm clock set for 6:15am! I don't want to miss Argentina v. Nigeria! There are more important things than sleep, you know...
TIMELORD Posted Jun 4, 2002
I hope you take a look at my quiz next week there is a football question just for you.
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