A Conversation for Hampshire Earthwork Castles
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A75730386 - Hampshire Earthwork Castles
Deadangel - Still not dead, just! Posted Feb 14, 2011
Oops. Sorry, I'd completely forgotten I was going to comment on this. I'll do so this evening, once I've had a re-read of it.
A75730386 - Hampshire Earthwork Castles
Deadangel - Still not dead, just! Posted Feb 15, 2011
Hi BB, with apologies for the extensive delay, here's my tuppenceworth..
In the introductory paragraphs, you state:
'there are several examples of these in the county of Hampshire.
Although there are examples of earthwork castles throughout Hampshire, very few are actually open to the public.'
Wouldn't it be better to say there are numerous examples, as several implies a smaller number still existing than having examples throughout the County.
In Why build an Earthwork, you state :
'An army besieging a castle nearby would often construct their own earthwork castle for their own defence should they themselves be attacked, possibly by those they were besieging or by allies of those besieged.'
If you have an army, you're very unlikely to be attacked by anything less than another army. The local peasantry had enough sense to stay well away, if they could. Maybe rephrase to something like 'An army besieging a nearby castle would often construct their own earthwork defensive castle, in case of counter attack by the forces of the besieged, or the arrival of their allies.'
In The Anarchy,
'During this time, as Winchester was the political capital of England, much of the fighting took place around Winchester and the surrounding Hampshire countryside. '
This feels a little wordy. Possibly consider rearranging to something along the lines of 'Winchester was the political capital of England at this time, so much of the fighting took place in the surrounding Hampshire Countryside.'
You repeat the point that many Earthworks were siegeworks. In Why build an Earthwork, you give a brief description, then repeat the point in Types of Eathwork, with additional info. Would it be worth expanding on one, and removing the other?
In footnote 1, you say : 'The period of Civil War between 1215-7 between King John and English barons led by Prince Louis of France after King John refused to accept the Magna Carta.'
Would it be more accurate to say either 'after King John repudiated the Magna Carta', or 'after King John refused to accept being bound by the terms of the Magna Carta'.
A75730386 - Hampshire Earthwork Castles
Bluebottle Posted Feb 15, 2011
Good points - changes made to reflect these.
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