A Conversation for Wargamer's Quarters.


Post 1


I posted for a bed a while back, but I think I put it in the wrong place... so here it is again smiley - smiley

This area is divided into clear areas. It is dominated by a large bed, that is raised, and can be reached by a ladder on each side. One side of the bed is an indistinguisable shade of grey, which on closer inspection are in actual fact all the colours, just moving unceasingly across it's surface. The other fills anyone who looks at it, how many shades of black that actually is. On the grey side, which is clearly friendly's, is a large silver fridge, the one with the internet access, and a bedside cabinet on top of which is a punnet of grapes, plums and strawberries. Stangely, however much you eat you can never seem to get to the bottom.... In the cabinet is a variety of books, and various healing salves and bandages. On teeth's side, there is a tiger rug on the flagstones, who's eyes seem to follow you around the room...Next to the bed is another cabinet, though with sharper corners, wouldn't want to bang your head on this baby... Inside, however are bagfulls and bagfulls of sweets, including Kola Kubes, Aniseed Balls, and all flavours of Sherbet, help yourself, but mind they don't rot your teeth! There are also lots of empty bottles, mainly because Sir DrunkenDeath has nicked all the drink...

Hope its not too long!

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