A Conversation for Scottish summer meet 2002 - what actually happened


Post 1

Nyree Rose - Doll in a Tube wearing National Costume

What happened to you?All the photos of you are on the floor!

Goodness me!

(reconsiders coming to next meet incase I meet same fate)

NRsmiley - rose


Post 2


Why waste energy standing that could be used to metabolise alcohol instead smiley - winkeye

I can assure you, falling over is not compulsory at meetups. After all, we need someone sober enough to hail the taxis smiley - biggrin


Post 3

Nyree Rose - Doll in a Tube wearing National Costume

...and someone drunk enough to put people on wrong trains!!!!Poor person!

NRsmiley - rose


Post 4


Poor Newcastle smiley - laugh


Post 5

Nyree Rose - Doll in a Tube wearing National Costume

They can handle it!!smiley - winkeye

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