A Conversation for The Log: Scottish Meet 11 May 2002

It's McGill...

Post 1


...the main character out of Man In A Suitcase, who smoked with his cigarette in the corner of his mouth, and could talk with it there.

Except he looked cool...

It's McGill...

Post 2

Demon Drawer

I was drunk. I have a hard enough time spelling when sober.

It's McGill...

Post 3

Researcher 174318-Zhora- all the nice girls like a sailor

A classic smoker.......... it stunts your growth you know Dr G! I'd have been 6ft tall if I hadn't smoked smiley - winkeye

It's McGill...

Post 4

fords - number 1 all over heaven

*No comment on previous message* smiley - winkeye

It's McGill...

Post 5

Researcher 174318-Zhora- all the nice girls like a sailor

Probably best.....smiley - winkeye

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