The Quality (Absurdity?) of Todays Music.

3 Conversations

I was listening to the chart on Radio 1 whilst in the car the other day (it was either that or have radio2 the whole time!), and it struck me that most of the music that is "popular" these days is not actually music at all. In the first 20 songs they played, there was only one with the use of actual instruments (Idlewild, You Held The World in Your Arms). Weird...

Points to notice in popular music:

a) the lack of actual instruments-these are often replaced by sythesisers or drum machines. Just stop and think about all the guitarists and drummers who are now unemployed because of you!

b) the lack of people within the "bands" who can actually sing-all credit to those who try and everything, but it's not always good people. don't do it. I'm not saying that none of them can sing, I mean Britney Speares can bang out a tune and all, but still...have u heard some of this crap lately?

c) the tiny tiny little outfits that the girls in the music videos wear- N/B. Im not just ranting about this because Im bitter! Its all well and good if you can pull it off, and I have no objections to wearing the odd "revealing" thing every now and again (believe me, that corset does wonders for me! ;)), but come on! What kind of example is that setting all the young, impressionable wannabes? The "Ive gotta be skinney as a rake and a prostitue at 12" impression I think!

Now Ive spent my whole life wanting, longing if you like, to be part of the music industry, to be discovered for my talents, and credit to those who have made it. However, dispite giving props where props are due, how the hell did some of these people get into the business? I mean what have S Club Juniors ever actually done to deserve it? Or Hearsay, or Steps (when they were still about-how we mourn them! ha!)Hmph. Why aren't musical geniuses such as Jimmy Eat World, or Flickerstick, noticed amid all this rubbish? What has happened to the guitars, the basses, the drums (real ones I mean), the cabassas etc etc that make real music (see Incubus, Feeder, Green Day, Mudvayne, Deftones, Idlewild, etc.) so good?

And so in closing, I say to you:

"What is right is not always popular, what is popular is not always right!"

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