A Conversation for Smudger Snippets

Smudger's Thinking

Post 1


Very thought provoking - if you'll pardon the pun

Quite uncanny really!! as well as being most enjoyable.

I only logged on this morning to have a quick read of the post, whilst at the same time trying to forget about my mobile phone. I've just spent around 20 minutes looking for the damned thing. I only put it down half an hour ago and already the little smiley - bleep has gone to ground. I decided that the best thing to do is forget about it (this often works) and it will turn up in its own good time.

As soon as I'd finished reading your excellent article, I went to make a cup of tea - needless to say, the first thing I spotted was the phone; lurking for some unknown reason, in the fridge.

Keep up the good work - I can relate to all of this.

Scorpio smiley - witch

Smudger's Thinking

Post 2


Hi Scorpio, Cheers for that, made my daysmiley - ok When ever I lose my mobile, I ring it from our own phone, then I find itsmiley - ok, but in the fridgesmiley - erm, but like me the other day, I put the bread in the fridge and the butter in the bread bin? (my mind was away on its own some wheresmiley - laugh)
Glad you liked the Snippetsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

Smudger's Thinking

Post 3

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

definitely relate to memory thing.
I try not to get too frustrated so that I will find something I was looking for the week or month before in my travelssmiley - laugh Just like when I used to drive. I never got frustrated about getting lost because how lost can you get? I managed to find and see several sights I would not have otherwise. I also like having several ways to get to the places I reguarly went just for the variety. It also keeps you sharper when driving to alternate your routes some.

I talk to both those departed and those just a long ways away but very alive!
I will wonder what my parents or therapists or sister or brother would say and it seems to work well when you know them well or know certain topics and how they feel. Twinny and I often have thoughts pop in from seemingly nowhere only to find out the other one was thinking of the *new topic a lot.smiley - magic

I figure it is just like folks in a coma.
Years ago they started talking to them more because you just never know what they are hearing. It would be delightful to have somebody talk oto you if you were trapped inside and if they guessed what you might say then it would be proff of your existence and impact of the real you being known. That can work both ways and be a comfortsmiley - magic
So who knows, maybe they really are in the conversation with you!smiley - winkeye

I'll probably keep my phone on a leash for the very reasons you mentionsmiley - laughPlus they really do work better than cell phones hwre we live. In the midst of 2+ million people.

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