Talking Point: Is Revenge Sweet?

19 Conversations

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Have you been badly-treated, ignored or annoyed? Is someone making your life a misery? Have you considered revenge? Harmless pranks can become a new hobby. Cress on wet carpets, fish in cisterns, there are plenty of things you can do to make yourself feel smug, superior, and above all, better.

How far would you go to take your revenge, and is it possible to go too far? Tell us your best revenge tales, and spread the fun. Making sure that your victim has no come-back can be important, or would you prefer to be known as the perpetrator of their misery?

  • Is revenge sweet? Or can it misfire?

  • Has anyone taken revenge on you?

  • What would make you so mad that you felt you had to take revenge?

  • How can you decide which revenge will have the best effect?

  • Would you subscribe your victims' email address to so much spam they have to give it up?

  • Or do you prefer a more personal touch?

  • Have computers given us more scope for revenge?

  • Interesting parcels delivered to your victim's door - what would you send?

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