A Conversation for The Klingon Language

Shakespeare in the Klingon Original

Post 1

SchrEck Inc.

Hi Hoovooloo,

having nothing whatsoever to do with the Klingon language and this superb entry, one of my favourite quotes of ST VI 'The Undiscovered Country' is from Spock: 'There is the old Vulcan proverb: only Nixon could go to China.' smiley - biggrin

I've been reminded of this by the Shakespeare quote. I don't want to be picky, but I believe this is said by General Chang, not by Chancellor Gorkon. This is, however, totally irrelevant for your entry. No need to change anything.

Great work, ace entry! smiley - ok

SchrEck Inc.

Shakespeare in the Klingon Original

Post 2


Well, I'm going to have to go and check now... smiley - smiley

I actually thought it was General Chang (it sounds like the sort of thing you expect him to say), and in fact in the first draft of this entry I put that it was him. BUT: on the back cover of my copy of "The Klingon Hamlet", it attributes the quote to Gorkon. And they should know...

On the other hand, now that you've mentioned it, I'm going to use this as an excuse to watch the movie again, just to check. smiley - cheers


Shakespeare in the Klingon Original

Post 3

SchrEck Inc.

Yep, I'll get my copy of the film from the attic, too... smiley - ok

Shakespeare in the Klingon Original

Post 4

SchrEck Inc.

Hey Hoovooloo,

yesterday I managed to see the film again, and... you're absolutely right. It's Chancellor Gorkon who said it. smiley - smiley It's Chang, however, who quotes Shakespeare all the time throughout the movie.

SchrEck Inc.

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