A Conversation for Beer Me!
Other beer
peoplewhohatepeople Started conversation Dec 10, 2002
Nice article, very interesting.
for a more international view, if you look at my space you'll see I have done an article on wheat beers in general. I am hoping to start up an article on Belgian beer in the near future too.
Other beer
Pastey Posted Dec 14, 2002
Already seen it Thanks!
There really ought to be a central beer space, there are loads of littel bits all other the place in here, mind you, I'm responsible for far too many of them
Other beer
peoplewhohatepeople Posted Dec 14, 2002
you old drunk! well, if those of us writing on the fine subject just take pains to reference each other well, then that should be good enough.
I had one of my oddest beer taste experiences last night, Liefmann's GluhKriek (mulled wine beer!)
Other beer
peoplewhohatepeople Posted Dec 14, 2002
ah you know it? Yes, I loved it. My flaymate wasn't too keen but he's not a clove fan. Maybe i could do a festive beer review. I've gone through Furstenburg, Liefmann's and Erdinger christmas beers so far this year
Other beer
Pastey Posted Dec 14, 2002
Go for it! If you can get it done by Wednesday we can stick it in the next edition of the Post. There's only this one more this year you see. Which reminds me, I really ought to be writing this article thingy for it...
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