A Conversation for Beer Me!

Me? A Drunkard?

Post 1


Only if you say so smiley - winkeye

smiley - rose

Me? A Drunkard?

Post 2

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Pastey, when I get done I will tell you how my first venture into home brewing goes...

Me? A Drunkard?

Post 3


Please Do!!!!

I'm starting up homebrewing again myself at the moment smiley - smiley Got a Schnapps I really ought to start clearing and a tub of beer that's still going great guns.

smiley - rose

Me? A Drunkard?

Post 4


I'm so impressed, I can never rate beers beyond Yum or Eww by the end of a festival. I've got myself a little database thingy on my PDA for rating what I drink and it mostly says "Nice, 7/10" or something smiley - smiley

Me? A Drunkard?

Post 5

marvthegrate LtG KEA

I just borrowed a book called teh Encyclopedia of Beer. Very interesting so far, but not enough info to help out the home brewer.

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