A Conversation for Abi's Community Column
Hi Abi!
H2G2 Radio- 42 FM - The Community's station! Started conversation Apr 30, 2002
Abi, Could you feature us in your column for this week aswell as the talk page under your activities?
It's just that We've had no response yet, and since august 2001 we've had about 10 people reply in all...
If you do this anyway, ignore me
Thanks Abi!
- - The h2g2 Radio Team
(You might care to say that I am not You, Mark, whoami?, shazz or Peta - Who I have been alleged to be Only 2 people truly know
- My specific "writing style" you see
- It would be interesting to see your guess - what with having to think through about 98000 different writing styles
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