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Kensington & Chelsea

Post 1

Frankie Roberto

This is the thread for Kensington & Chelsea.

Kensington & Chelsea

Post 2

michael salkeld

Does Any one know anything about the office development planned for south kensington tube station , I sent a slightly cheeky e mail to Julian Lloyd Webber
,asking him for the latest ,as he's aposing the development ,and asking if he would also support the camden tube development,I haven't had a reply yet.

Kensington & Chelsea

Post 3

michael salkeld


asking if he would also support the campaign to STOP the camden tube development,I haven't had a reply yet.

Kensington & Chelsea

Post 4

michael salkeld

That's interesting I've just had an emial from Julian Lloyd webbers assistant asking for full details of the camden redevelopment , so I sent him the keep it camden web site address

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