A Conversation for Talking Point: Debt

See the bank manager first

Post 1

Wand'rin star

Before you go into debt, see the (wo)man in charge of your account. Unauthorised overdrafts are charged top rate. Although even nowadays I have difficulties staying out of the red, the very good relationship I have had over the years with my bank means I've never been stung for bank charges. I once rang England from Cameroon and borrowed three thousand pounds to buy a car. That manager had no way of getting the mpney back if I'd defaulted, but he had known me personally for a dozen years smiley - star

See the bank manager first

Post 2

a girl called Ben

Alas, they rotate bank managers every 3 years these days, and just when you have one trained up they move them...

But you are right, a good relationship with your bank has a price above rubies.


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