A Conversation for Talking Point: Debt

student accounts, a word of warning

Post 1

Researcher PSG

Watch out for all the nice banks that turn up to your freshers week offering wonderful accounts and a free phone. Because the rates are often not very good, there is alot of small print and if you get behind, after you graduate it has been known for people to have a call from the balifs

Oh and if you ask for an overdraft on a Wednesday too often the banks might work out it isn't essential spending (Thursday being the student night at local pubs and clubs) smiley - smiley

student accounts, a word of warning

Post 2


As a rule I don't tend to trust people trying to get me to sign up for student ANYTHING - unless they're just cheaper student rates at shops etc.

Mind you, I don't tend to trust any salespeople anyway.

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student accounts, a word of warning

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