A Conversation for Ghoouulashhhh

well thats one way to think of it...

Post 1


Personally, i think democracy is just a way for a few people to justify their evil ends amongst the common people, using trickery and the like. If the whole truth were known, democracy MIGHT stand a chance, but as noone really knows the whole truth, it wont ever work. But Sir Ghooouulash, I hardly think fascism is the way to go. Even if you are all powerful and all that (which I think is bunk), if you go around being an ass, people just wont like you, ya know? So be a nice guy and give people reason to like you.

well thats one way to think of it...

Post 2

Fredie Ghooouulashhhh

They don't realy have a choice, but I smile for them anyway. smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

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well thats one way to think of it...

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