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Not to be confused with the meal, (though it is good unless its my mothers or the schools with potatoes in) Ghooouulashhhh is one of the few people to be created immortal (not that he was created) He owns 1 third of the known universe and intends to conquer the rest including the unknown parts. The other 2 owners of the universe are Beeegossss, and Stroggganoffffffffff.
Ghooouulashhhh is definitely the most technologically advanced, with weapons using anti-matter and matter reactions (it's the reaction that kills), temporal space mechanics, and, molecular shielding.
Most of Ghoouulashhhhs technology, comes from showering planets with neutron bombs and putting an inverse static time stasis bubble around the rest the planet (this way putting a bubble around the rest of the universe.) then after 40000 years it becomes unstable and pops. then he nicks there technology. He does not need to this any more now as he has the technology to not bother and to take over the planets much more efficiently. Ghooouulashhhh is also democratic, his people are allowed to vote for anyone they want as long as its him and say whatever they want as long as they agree with him, one of his famous quotes was " Well I think democracy is just fine, and I'm all for it but just vote for me and never disagree, other wise we will end up with lots of political parties, fighting and arguing with each other and what kind of Democracy would that be? Not very pleasant at all."
Ghooouulashhhh has now become so popular that at random, people think they have been possesed by the great entity himself and start marching around shouting "Who is the ulimate ruler of everything?" and the reply "I am! I am the ultimate ruler of everything" (most people who say this dissappear within 30 seconds. Sigmunds A. Fraud is noted for studying the phenominum and broadcasting "This signifies a deep desire to find thier mother, in other cases it's a complete mystery"

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