A Conversation for Community Art
DoctorMO Artworks listings.
DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist) Started conversation Apr 28, 2002
This is the fist section of data from my H2G2 folder,
B_AGG_~1 GIF 11,508 16/02/02 23:29 b_agg_gag.gif
B_BAND~1 GIF 12,114 11/07/01 5:33 b_bandeye.gif
B_BIRT~1 GIF 25,951 02/12/01 19:36 b_BirthdayPost.gif
B_CAMP~1 GIF 17,887 28/06/01 5:31 b_Campfire.gif
B_CRIC~1 GIF 5,819 02/07/01 22:55 b_Cricket.GIF
B_DEGH~1 GIF 29,778 16/07/01 10:44 b_DeGhost.GIF
B_DOCT~1 GIF 6,029 24/09/01 1:05 b_DoctorMO.gif
B_IMFL~1 GIF 8,258 11/07/01 6:21 b_ImFlower.GIF
B_MEAN~1 GIF 46,428 03/07/01 2:22 b_MeanlesWriting.GIF
B_MOVI~1 GIF 18,601 23/09/01 16:45 b_MovieReview.GIF
B_OCTI~1 GIF 23,012 02/07/01 16:10 b_Octipus.gif
B_ORANGE GIF 11,858 19/07/01 8:09 b_Orange.gif
B_PROG~1 GIF 35,615 07/09/01 13:37 b_ProgrammersCorner.gif
B_ROSE GIF 12,604 08/02/02 1:11 b_Rose.gif
B_SPEA~1 GIF 11,367 07/02/02 21:31 b_speachbubble.gif
B_SPOOK GIF 29,993 22/09/01 17:50 B_SPOOK.GIF
B_STOR~1 GIF 17,296 25/11/01 20:55 b_StoryTime.gif
B_SUNI~1 GIF 28,258 25/11/01 7:23 b_SunIsland.gif
B_THEC~1 GIF 12,790 19/07/01 8:42 b_theCross.gif
B_THEE~1 GIF 33,414 26/09/01 0:52 b_TheEndofSpace.GIF
B_THREEB GIF 12,613 26/11/01 17:15 b_ThreeB.gif
B_THUN~1 GIF 10,272 21/07/01 14:16 b_ThunderBall.gif
B_TRIC~1 GIF 14,210 04/12/01 5:11 b_Trickter.gif
B_WEIR~1 GIF 31,617 05/03/02 22:34 b_Weird_World.gif
N_PROG~1 GIF 31,247 07/09/01 13:28 n_ProgrammersCorner.gif
STORIE~1 GIF 26,739 22/09/01 17:46 StoriesfromSpook.GIF
W_BAND~1 GIF 11,116 11/07/01 5:35 w_bandeye.gif
W_BIRT~1 GIF 22,160 02/12/01 19:33 w_BirthdayPost.gif
W_CAMP~1 GIF 17,013 28/06/01 5:28 w_Campfire.gif
W_CHIP~1 GIF 8,260 28/06/01 6:22 w_Chipset.gif
W_CRIC~1 GIF 6,035 02/07/01 22:54 W_Cricket.GIF
W_DEGH~1 GIF 32,910 16/07/01 10:46 w_DeGhost.GIF
W_DOCT~1 GIF 7,733 24/09/01 1:09 w_DoctorMO.gif
W_IMFL~1 GIF 8,270 11/07/01 6:20 w_ImFlower.GIF
W_MEAN~1 GIF 45,624 03/07/01 2:22 w_MeanlesWriting.GIF
W_MOVI~1 GIF 17,156 23/09/01 16:30 w_MovieReview.GIF
W_OCTI~1 GIF 27,859 02/07/01 16:11 w_Octipus.gif
W_ORANGE GIF 12,449 19/07/01 8:08 w_Orange.gif
W_PROG~1 GIF 29,622 07/09/01 13:33 w_ProgrammersCorner.gif
W_ROSE GIF 12,973 08/02/02 1:13 w_Rose.gif
W_SPEA~1 GIF 13,822 07/02/02 21:32 w_speachbubble.gif
W_SPOOK GIF 28,100 22/09/01 17:52 W_SPOOK.GIF
W_STOR~1 GIF 17,986 25/11/01 20:56 w_StoryTime.gif
W_SUNI~1 GIF 28,694 25/11/01 7:27 w_SunIsland.gif
W_THEC~1 GIF 13,293 19/07/01 8:41 w_theCross.gif
W_THEE~1 GIF 34,351 28/09/01 4:05 w_TheEndofSpace.GIF
W_THREEB GIF 11,566 26/11/01 17:15 w_ThreeB.gif
W_THUN~1 GIF 9,684 21/07/01 14:12 w_ThunderBall.gif
W_TRIC~1 GIF 8,680 04/12/01 5:18 w_Trickter.gif
W_WEIR~1 GIF 29,865 05/03/02 22:34 w_Weird_World.gif
53 file(s) 1,077,284 bytes
There is also some from my cartoons folder...
and one Microbes one that I can't seem to find.
I don't know how many of the files were passed on to you gues from shazz, but if there is any you don't but would like let me know.
-- DoctorMO --
P.S, as you can see I'm usualy thourer.
DoctorMO Artworks listings.
DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist) Posted Apr 29, 2002
I also see you have listed the eye under Misc, it should be under clubs or special events because it was used specialy for some event on the post (relating to Big Brother )
all well.
-- DoctorMO --
DoctorMO Artworks listings.
Mina Posted Apr 29, 2002
I've moved the eye, and added all the others I can find. I'm getting there, slowly! Thanks for the details.
(Oh yes, I found microbes! And have I got the Health_Check blob number right?)
DoctorMO Artworks listings.
DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist) Posted Apr 29, 2002
Thanks, and Oh I'm not sure shazz never sent the blob numbers to me and I was never certain becaise most of the time I just add things like
You may Wish to do a strait link to My, Wowbaggers and Spimcoots Catoon indexs for the post. as that section my get large.
-- DoctorMO --
DoctorMO Artworks listings.
DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist) Posted Apr 30, 2002
DoctorMO Artworks listings.
DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist) Posted Apr 30, 2002
Just a small editation, could you put the octopus in the Misc, because he wasn't done realy for anything specific.
-- DoctorMO --
DoctorMO Artworks listings.
DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist) Posted May 1, 2002
hows it going?
-- DoctorMO --
DoctorMO Artworks listings.
Mina Posted May 1, 2002
I'm about to start updating the page with the blobs that have been found. :-) Have you seen this? http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/F47999?thread=180850&post=1977209#p1977209
DoctorMO Artworks listings.
DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist) Posted May 1, 2002
hehe, I like it.
Key: Complain about this post
DoctorMO Artworks listings.
- 1: DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist) (Apr 28, 2002)
- 2: DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist) (Apr 29, 2002)
- 3: Mina (Apr 29, 2002)
- 4: DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist) (Apr 29, 2002)
- 5: Mina (Apr 30, 2002)
- 6: DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist) (Apr 30, 2002)
- 7: DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist) (Apr 30, 2002)
- 8: Mina (Apr 30, 2002)
- 9: DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist) (May 1, 2002)
- 10: Mina (May 1, 2002)
- 11: DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist) (May 1, 2002)
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