A Conversation for Community Art
Jimi X Started conversation Apr 24, 2002
Do you want photos taken by Researchers that were included on Edited Entries?
I don't think these are in the Picture Library at A692741:
B1029945 - statue of Milton S Hershey
B1029946 - Senior Hall, high school of Milton Hershey School
B1029947 - the former Hershey Consolidated School
B1029950 - Hershey Medical Center
B1029951 - Children's Hospital
- X
btw: The entries those photos ran with are pretty good too. Do check them out!
Mina Posted Apr 24, 2002
Can I be honest? Good. I'd been avoiding thinking about photographs.
They don't really come into the 'Community Art' category - but on the other hand, there are qute a few of them around... I'll discuss it with my Team I mean *the* Team and get back to you.
Now, was that a hint to read some entries?
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