A Conversation for Dead Man's Inn

Bar - and the MARCH FOR JACK

Post 4281


'wonders whether to tell story...smiley - evilgrin'

decides not to as doesnt want to lose eyebrows in afreak accident ..

Bar - and the MARCH FOR JACK

Post 4282


Is this a story about me or Genie smiley - biggrin

Bar - and the MARCH FOR JACK

Post 4283


Genie...but i spose iknow a few about you too smiley - laugh

Bar - and the MARCH FOR JACK

Post 4284


smiley - rofl

I'll tell you mine, if you tell me yours! smiley - winkeye

Bar - and the MARCH FOR JACK

Post 4285


mebbe..smiley - laugh

Bar - and the MARCH FOR JACK

Post 4286


smiley - bigeyes

Bar - and the MARCH FOR JACK

Post 4287


smiley - erm

Bar - and the MARCH FOR JACK

Post 4288


*dusts and lights fresh lamps*

smiley - pumpkin

Bar - and the MARCH FOR JACK

Post 4289


Done a great job with the dusting, you in some Autumn clean mode too
Tis been a while how goes it?

Love Peanut xx

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