A Conversation for Toast, Toppings and Meals with Toast
Peer Review: A726365 - Toast, Toppings and Meals with Toast
Maria d J Gutierrez Started conversation Apr 10, 2002
Entry: Toast, Toppings and Meals with Toast - A726365
Author: Petkan - U191798
Okay, Toast and it's buddies is back in peer review! Again, might I say, I'd like to see something added on the bread side of things: White vs. Wheat, bagles and others, and all like that there.
A726365 - Toast, Toppings and Meals with Toast
Evil Zombie Strider Posted Apr 11, 2002
Hey Petkan and Maria,
There is clearly a huge trove of information dying to be written about this subject. You may want to remove this from PR for the time being and submit it into the Writing-Workshop until it is at a (at least semi) finished state.
A726365 - Toast, Toppings and Meals with Toast
DoctorGonzo Posted Apr 11, 2002
I agree, it does seem a little... sketchy at the moment. It doesn't have to get academic and dry, but a little filling wouldn't go amiss. Think of it as an unfinished toastie...
A726365 - Toast, Toppings and Meals with Toast
Maria d J Gutierrez Posted Apr 11, 2002
Oh fine, remove it then, put it where ever you want, but somebody ADD SOMETHING ABOUT BREAD ALREADY.
A726365 - Toast, Toppings and Meals with Toast
Petkan Posted Apr 11, 2002
Hey, you read my mind, bread was the first thing I wrote a few lines about.
I agree that it needs some work. I'll probably move it to the Writing Workshop for a while.
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Peer Review: A726365 - Toast, Toppings and Meals with Toast
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