A Conversation for The Great Hall

A Knight of Evad...

Post 1

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

*Jerico, Knight Paladin of Evad, storms into the hall. It's clear he's good at storming into places, and from a long line of Storming-into-placers. He stops and looks around.*
[Jerico] Who's in charge here!?

A Knight of Evad...

Post 2


*Sits up from the end of the table.*

I am. Welcome, stranger.

A Knight of Evad...

Post 3

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

[Jerico] Then you know sir Drunkendeath?

A Knight of Evad...

Post 4


I do. What of him?

A Knight of Evad...

Post 5

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

[Jerico] He assaulted a Knight Paladin of the Dragon Knight order of Evadia in the establishment known as the Evadian Arms. Assault on a Knight is an offence punishable by death, and by rights he should have been executed. However, I felt that in the interests of better relationships with your order, you should be the one to deal with him.

A Knight of Evad...

Post 6


Hmmm... perhaps we'll remove his ale for a week. That's a pretty bad thing even for him.

A Knight of Evad...

Post 7

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

[Jerico] Well, I'll leave it up to you...
*A second knight walks in, looking slightly tipsy.*
[Mercury] There you are, you soft bugger! Can't you go a day without making a fuss! Come on, Meridioc's got a brand new crate of Tilean wine... wanna' help taste?
[Jerico] Why do I put up with you?
[Mercury] ... 'coz I outrank you?
[Jerico] Fair enough... Good day.
*The two leave, Jerico using the dramatic sweeping exit, Mercury staggering like a drunkard.*

A Knight of Evad...

Post 8

Sir DrunkenDeath

*slips out from shadows. Literaly.*

*sprawls on the ground*

That's some (hic) damn fine staggering, from (hic) one drunk to another!. And I will (hic)( never give up my ale. That establishment was poaching my (hic) customers from the Fountain of (hic) Falling Down Water.

A Knight of Evad...

Post 9



That it is. Don't worry too much. You do your job well.

*Helps him to his feet.*

A Knight of Evad...

Post 10

Sir DrunkenDeath


*gets out a bottle of whisky and two glasses*

want some?

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