A Conversation for Garibadli Tours!

Garibaldi Bus Tours

Post 21


~Greebo settles down on Marv's knee and then turns to glare unblinkingly at Monsy~

Are.. may me ask... you going to eat that doughnut?

Garibaldi Bus Tours

Post 22

Garibaldi - Patented Mr G party at F14181?thread=256534

*starts up the bus and smoke bellows out the exhaust pipe*

Garibaldi Bus Tours

Post 23


*blinks sweetly*
pleeeezzzzeeeeee, i was just testing this smiley - donut for freshness. i mean really, we wouldn't want you suffering through a stale smiley - donut now would we? it's out of care for you that i must eat this smiley - donut
smiley - biggrin
*holds on to arm of bus seat with her free hand to keep from shaking out of it while the bus starts bouncing up and making some strange rattling noises*

Garibaldi Bus Tours

Post 24

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Do you want a nice glass of milk Greebo? I think I have some smiley - donut hidden away in my bar here.

Garibaldi Bus Tours

Post 25

Garibaldi - Patented Mr G party at F14181?thread=256534

You okay Monsy? May I suggest the seat belts. If the bus is like this just warming it up, imagine what it would be like on the road (if we ever get there)

Garibaldi Bus Tours

Post 26


~Greebo is almost knovked out of Marv's lap as the bus starts off.. she glances around nervously~

Hmm.. a milk would be very welcome now... along with that doughnut that Monsy is drooling over please... ~grin~

Garibaldi Bus Tours

Post 27

Garibaldi - Patented Mr G party at F14181?thread=256534

Sorry Greebo. Can someone get some milk out of the fridge for Greebo?

Garibaldi Bus Tours

Post 28


~Greebo tires of waiting... slips of Marv's knee and pads over to the huge 'walk-in' fridge that Garabaldi has installed... and filled with delectable edibles for his traveling companions~

Wow... this is a HUGE fridge Garibaldi...

~Greebo tries to open the door... but it is to massive to move~

Oh my.. me thinks me needs help here...

Garibaldi Bus Tours

Post 29

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Let me help you there Greebz.

I need some ice for a smiley - stiffdrink anyway.

Garibaldi Bus Tours

Post 30


~Greebo sneaks in open fridge door~


ECHO [wow...]

Tis really big in here...

ECHO [tis really big in here...]

Garibaldi Bus Tours

Post 31


*sneaks in while Greebo is playing with the echo and swipes one of the rather large smiley - choc sitting toward the back of the third shelf on her right*
mmmmmmmmmmmmm....nothing like a nice cold bar of smiley - choc
*slowly makes way back to her seat and decides to double strap herself in before the bus begins moving*

Garibaldi Bus Tours

Post 32

Garibaldi - Patented Mr G party at F14181?thread=256534

*gets off his mobile phone* Good news, I heard from Shazz that she will be here soon. The trip will be delayed a little bit, but I can't turn off the bus as I am afraid that it wouldn't start again.

Can someone get me cola?

Garibaldi Bus Tours

Post 33


*reaches over and grabs a cola then tosses it towards Garibaldi*
CATCH!! smiley - biggrin
*places her jacket on the empty seat beside her for Shazz*

Garibaldi Bus Tours

Post 34


~Greebo is busily rummaging on the shelves in the fridge~

Oh my... me didn't know they still made these... wow... look... me only thought those were sold in Peru... ohhhhhhhh... good grief... look at that.... hey... would you believe that there's some of these here...

~Greebo backs out of the fridge pulling a huge tray of food... grunting with the effort... she pulls it back to her seat... the pile is bigger than she is... and so therefore quite considerable in size...~

Hmmm... got me a little smackerel of something to keep me going until the bus starts moving... ~grin~

Garibaldi Bus Tours

Post 35

Garibaldi - Patented Mr G party at F14181?thread=256534

Hey! Don't eat all the food. There will be no stopping if... er when we get on the road. And better leave some for Shazz too

Garibaldi Bus Tours

Post 36

Garibaldi - Patented Mr G party at F14181?thread=256534

*looks at the time* ARGH, I am getting behind schedule. Okay, Shazz hasn't arrived, so I think we need to just get going. If you see here on the way, tell me to top.

*revs up the bus, and then tries to put it into gear. The gears crunch and loud grinding sound happens* Nope, that was third I think. *Mr G tries again, and more sounds come out* Hmm, I think that was 2nd. Does anyone know how to drive a bus?

*Mr G tries one more time, this time no sounds* Ah, I got it. *The bus starts moving backwards until it hits something* Oops!

Garibaldi Bus Tours

Post 37


~Greebo bounces out of her seat... and lands face first on her tray~


Garibaldi Bus Tours

Post 38

Garibaldi - Patented Mr G party at F14181?thread=256534

Sorry Greebs. I wonder what I hit?

Garibaldi Bus Tours

Post 39


*counts herself lucky that she decided to strap herself to her seat...releases said straps and walks to the rear of the bus for a look out the window...catches sight of what caused that jarring bump*
luggage smiley - huh errmmm...Garibaldi, did we forget something? smiley - yikes
*upon spotting everyone's luggage strewn about the back of the bus and under it's tires (rust spots which have worn through the floor give sight to the tires) she decides it best to distract the others*
anyone for a game of charades? smiley - whistle

Garibaldi Bus Tours

Post 40


~Greebo picks herself up from the tray... covered in food~

Hmmm... me would love to play charades... just let me lick myself clean... ~grin~

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