Talking Point: The Future of Pop Music

25 Conversations

A futuristic pop singer

There has been a lot of debate about 'manufactured pop music'. Some see it as an assembly line of groups created for the express purpose of selling music via television. Gaining record sales and fans as TV personalities, rather than as hardworking musicians. Others see the carefully groomed and produced stars as the saviours of modern music. Ensuring that the bands are good to look at, young and enthusiastic, and not prone to fits of artistic temperament.

Will there come a day when pop is franchised? A different group could be licensed to perform the same music in each country, saving touring costs and ensuring all the fans get to see their favourite group perform live. Like a supermarket opening more branches, each band would double the hours the music could be performed and recorded. There are tribute bands for bands still performing today; this vision of the future might not be too far off.

  • Are the days of proper bands long gone? Does the future belong to manufactured pop idols?
  • Is there really a difference between a 'manufactured' band, and a more traditional group?
  • Are these bands nothing more than dancers that sing other peoples' songs?
  • Will manufactured pop drive other types of music from the public eye?
  • Is it possible that these groups are nothing more than exploited teenagers? Treated like stars, and then dumped when the next pop stars hit the headlines?
  • Music from traditional groups can be a bit hit and miss; isn't manufactured pop a good way to ensure all the music is of the same standard?
  • Traditional groups tend to break up through personal differences, would a manufactured band be seen as a working partnership, and less likely to break up prematurely?
  • Is it a good thing that it is 'safe' music for young children and teenagers to listen to?
  • Will there come a day when this is all there is on mainstream radio stations and music programs?
Top of the PopsPop Music HomepageRadio 1 - Top 40 HomepageManufactured Bands and How to Avoid Them

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