A Conversation for Zombies - the game

Peer Review: A712216 - Zombies - the game

Post 1

Uncle Ghengis

Entry: Zombies - the game - A712216
Author: Uncle Ghengis - U136681

I have re-worded the 'first person' parts of this entry. So what do you think...

A712216 - Zombies - the game

Post 2


I think it's good stuff - I loved playing games like these - I now play a variation of monsters with my two sons.

A712216 - Zombies - the game

Post 3


Congratulations - this entry has been submitted for entry!

That means that it is one step closer to becoming an edited (and official) entry in the guide.

Expect to hear from the Sub-Eds any day.

Once again, congrats.


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Peer Review: A712216 - Zombies - the game

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