A Conversation for The UK Fuel Protests of November 2000
Collaborative Writing Workshop: A711415 - The UK Fuel Protests of November 2000
Just zis Guy, you know? † Cyclist [A690572] :: At the 51st centile of ursine intelligence Started conversation Mar 17, 2002
Entry: The UK Fuel Protests of November 2000 - A711415
Author: Just zis Guy, you know? † Cyclist [A690575] - U54363
I have a view on this, which is apparent from the text. Please help me make it more balanced!
A711415 - The UK Fuel Protests of November 2000
Henry Posted Mar 18, 2002
I don't think it *is* unbalanced. Why not mention that fact that the demonstators were almost encouraged to continue their action by the oil compnaies, thus blatantly demonstrating their power over the government?
I took part in road protests in the early/mid nineties, and witnissed some terrifying police brutality - where were they in this instance? It's no good saying these guys weren't breaking the law - The Criminal Justice Bill (which I also protested against) made any gathering of more than five people illegal - why was this suddenly forgotten?
I think you need more in here.
Also (offtopic) the only way we're going to get the car/traffic/road problem sorted out is by building lots more roads and cars - everyone should have 5 cars!
That way the problem would become unmanagable - as long as it is managable, it will be managed.
(a lifelong non-driver by choice)
(so could someone buy 10, to make up for my lack of effort)?
A711415 - The UK Fuel Protests of November 2000
Just zis Guy, you know? † Cyclist [A690572] :: At the 51st centile of ursine intelligence Posted Mar 18, 2002
Greetings Frogbit. I am pleased you think it balanced; however, I'm in agreement with you, so I wonder if anybody in the opposing camp has a view?
Thanks for the input, though - I will probably make some notes about the Criminally Unjust Act as well. Oops, slip of the keyboard.
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Collaborative Writing Workshop: A711415 - The UK Fuel Protests of November 2000
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