A Conversation for North End Road, London W14

North End Road

Post 1


The N. End Road may not be overly pre-possessing but it is surprising that the first research failed to notice the excellent market, mainly fruit n veg but also with a fish stall, hardware, cheese &c. Most, if not all weekdays & Saturday. Also on the bit N. of Lillie Road the splendid and amazing Fuller's pub, the Seven Stars. A symphony in blue. You must see it. Around the junction of Lillie & N. End Roads there are also useful ironmongers, hardware, domestic appliance &c. shops; not otherwise common in Fulham.
Going back to the S. end of the N. End Road there is an interesting example of subterranean public toilet, by the church.

North End Road

Post 2

Classic Krissy

Hey there Bozzy!! smiley - smiley

I'm Krissy, an ACE, and ACEs are here to help and welcome new folks. Our webpage is here: http://www.h2g2.com/A214796 if you need anything, and if you write something on your homepage, folks can leave you messages there.

Welcome to the madness! Have fun!! smiley - smiley

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