The H2G2 Super Furry Animals Fan Club
Created | Updated Aug 23, 2002
Welcome to the home of the
Super Furry Animals
h2g2 Fan Club
ring! ring! ((( ))) ring! ring!
This is the place on h2g2 where Researchers
from around the globe can revel in the delight that is the world's finest band,
the mighty SFA. This club is brand new and will develop in the way the members want it to. Let's see what happens...
Alright then. I've left this site a bit unnattended recently, but I'm willing to make another go of it. So furry people of h2g2, let's make this work. Go recruiting! Spread the word!
Come in, take off your shoes and chill. Feel free to discuss anything you want to.
TOPIC OF THE WEEK: Where is everyone from then? And how did you hear about the furries?
Members (growing steadily in number):
Onefreeloader riding a blue bike badly
Press the Click here to be notified of new Conversations about this Guide Entry button to keep up with all of the conversations on the h2g2 SFA club
The Official SFA mailing list, which has been dead useful in the past for info and the like.
Um, more to come, I have to let people know this is now up and running. If you want to join, let me know in the "Can you point me in direction, I can take my shoes" thread