A Conversation for United Friends of H2G2space

53 Days to C*@#&%$^s !!!!!!

Post 61

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

smiley - book

smiley - musicalnote

53 Days to C*@#&%$^s !!!!!!

Post 62


My GCSE German teacher told us it was German (this is 16 years ago) - The fact that it is registered to Elvis Presley is merely an indication of the over zealousness of Elvis' manager smiley - winkeye

And yes, the tunes to Oh Tannenbaum (or however you spell it) and the Red Flag are the same, or as near as smiley - bleep it...how to ruin a beautiful carol!

53 Days to C*@#&%$^s !!!!!!

Post 63

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

I've always bveen a bit suspicious of Santa. I mean here this old guy, he spends all year playing toys with elves and fairies and goes out once a year, and where does he go? Children's bedrooms.You've gotta admit it does sound a bit dodgy.
smiley - laugh

53 Days to C*@#&%$^s !!!!!!

Post 64

Ballistic Alleycat

smiley - cheers daSilva... good old Colonel Parker eh! smiley - rofl

Liquid.. what can I say, you don't get on with cats and now you tell me smiley - santa is a smiley - bleep are you trying to spoil my Christmas smiley - rofl

53 Days to C*@#&%$^s !!!!!!

Post 65


Santa (anag.) Prince of Darkness smiley - winkeye

53 Days to C*@#&%$^s !!!!!!

Post 66

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

I bet he hasn't been to your bedroom since you grew up.

You've got to admit there's something strange about a man who encourages children to come sit on my lap, little girl. What would you like Santa to give you, little boy.


I'm on the roof with an anti cair craft gun. One whiff of a reindeer, one jingle of a sleigh bell and I'll blast him out of the sky.


53 Days to C*@#&%$^s !!!!!!

Post 67

Ballistic Alleycat

I'll never be able to think of smiley - santa in the light again but come to think of it... he does wear a red suit.. DANGER... oh you've got me at it now... hope there's no children reading this... smiley - smiley

53 Days to C*@#&%$^s !!!!!!

Post 68

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

poor smiley - santa gives gifts to kids . and hes getting accused of being a child abuser smiley - sadface

53 Days to C*@#&%$^s !!!!!!

Post 69


Well, the red suit was merely an invention of the marketing executives of a certain well known brand of Cola Drink in the early C20th...who's success may or may not have been linked to self same marketing executives selling their souls to the smiley - devil

smiley - santa = smiley - devil...it just doesn't go away, does it? smiley - winkeye

53 Days to C*@#&%$^s !!!!!!

Post 70

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

It's all in harmless good fun. What would Christmas be without jolly ole santa? Many a mince pie I left out for him when I was a child. Many a prezzie I've torn the paper from as a child. Many a stocking have I hang as a child. I would not rob that pleasure from the modern children, no matter how our adults ruin it with their Political Correctness.
Boo!! to PC

53 Days to C*@#&%$^s !!!!!!

Post 71

Ballistic Alleycat

I still hang up my stocking.. I have to fill it myself tho but I still have an orange and an apple and some nuts on Christmas morning.. and I do a few extra ones for visitors too..

I stil smiley - love Christmas

53 Days to C*@#&%$^s !!!!!!

Post 72

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

how many days is it now ?smiley - biggrin

53 Days to C*@#&%$^s !!!!!!

Post 73


I've nothing against it really, except I was dumped just before it by someone I was in smiley - love with and who smiley - loved Christmas...though being mildly agorophobic I don't really enjoy going out when the Christmas shopping season starts, in February smiley - tongueout

53 Days to C*@#&%$^s !!!!!!

Post 74

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

So Alley cat you fill your own stocking, huh? And I bet you fill it exceedingly well.

53 Days to C*@#&%$^s !!!!!!

Post 75

Ballistic Alleycat

DaSilva.. smiley - hug dumping someone at that time of the year is a bit hard smiley - hug hope you find someone much better smiley - smiley

Liquid smiley - blush i'm blushing, thank you kind sir, oh and btw my surname is not Kipling! smiley - rofl

53 Days to C*@#&%$^s !!!!!!

Post 76


Like an Alleycat in a smiley - erm stocking...

53 Days to C*@#&%$^s !!!!!!

Post 77

Ballistic Alleycat

Martin it must be about 46 days something like that.. smiley - smiley

53 Days to C*@#&%$^s !!!!!!

Post 78

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

I'm red ringing dates on the calender.

Glad to hear Alley Cat is not Kipling, personally I've never Kippled.

53 Days to C*@#&%$^s !!!!!!

Post 79


Exceedingly good smiley - cats

53 Days to C*@#&%$^s !!!!!!

Post 80

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

will be getting tree out on the 30th so its ready for the 1stsmiley - biggrin

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