A Conversation for Talking Point: Time Travel
My opinion
Woodpigeon Started conversation Apr 11, 2002
First of all, let me preface this by saying that nothing here is particularly scientific. It's just my opinion, and it could well be dead wrong.
>>>Do you believe time travel is possible? I assume that what is meant is the classic idea of setting a date, either forward or backward in time, getting into a machine thingy, thumbing a few controls and - hey presto - you're in Ancient Rome? No. I think it might unfortunately be a flight of fancy for our age, a bit like demons and faeries were in times past. What we see in the universe is movement, lots of it. I don't think this movement has a particular direction though, it's just moving. We might just be reading something into the time conundrum that is not there.
>>>If you could go back in time, where would you go?
Good question: you don't have to go too far back in human history to be confronted by lots of squalour, muck, disease and brutality. Not sure if I would hang around anywhere for too long, in case somebody decided to disembowel me, or press gang me into the Navy, or deport me to Australia (now there's a thought!). I would probably choose pre-history - Ireland just after the Ice Age, maybe.
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