A Conversation for Sports Night, 1998-2000
Sports Night in UK
KimbIsobel Started conversation Dec 9, 2004
Just to let you all know, the first series of Sports Night is running in the UK on Freeview channel 15 - ABC1 at 17.35 daily, Mon to Friday. The series seems to be on a continuous loop, it takes about 3 weeks to repeat itself, and they also rerun the week's episodes on Saturday and Sunday, lunchtime and evening.
ABC1 doesn't seem to do adverts (thank God!), they just run masses of trails for their other shows - mostly for something called General Hospital, but all the trails are about gangsters, not nurses, so go figure!
If you haven't found Sports Night yet - TUNE IN!! This is TV for smart people with a proper sense of humour!
PS - I can enjoy Aaron Sorkin's writing in the West Wing, and lust after Peter Krause in Six Feet Under, but does anyone know where I can get a fix of Josh Charles on Freeview, just to round out my viewing pleasure?
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Sports Night in UK
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