A Conversation for Sports Night, 1998-2000
DVD information
MykeyII Started conversation Aug 10, 2002
There is a DVD coming out November 5th. It's a 6 DVD set containing the entire series. No special features announced as of yet, and the coding will be region 1, which is essentially North American DVD players only. It's being released by Buena Vista, and has a retail cost of $74.99. By the way, if you'd like any assistance in working on this entry, I'd be glad to help. I'm a dedicated fan of the show (and of all Aaron Sorkin's work), and I have a few internet sources you might want, as well as all the episodes taped. Hope I helped, and I'd love to be of further assistance in the future.
DVD information
Chris Chapman Posted Aug 19, 2002
Hi MykeyII! Thanks for the information on the DVD, I've updated the entry accordingly - it's great news. Sorry it took a week for me to notice your message.
As might be apparent, I've hit a bit of a wall with this entry, since I'm not at all sure how best to describe the nature of the show's stories... I'd really appreciate any input you can give on this section, or on any other. Collaboration is a major part of why h2g2 rocks so much.
Does it look okay so far? Are there any glaring errors? And is there anything I should mention that I haven't really dealt with? I think it needs to contain more about the basic premise and the nature of the show (fast-paced, funny, intelligent, serious, deals with issues etc.) as well as some general notes on some of the major story points of the series (Gordon, Dana + Casey, Isaac's health, the sale of CSC, etc. plus some I've forgotten) which can hopefully be covered without too many spoilers. I think it's important that this entry doesn't give away any surprises, since it's targetted at least partially at those who've never seen the show but would enjoy it. I might try to write these sections in the next few days (just discussing it has worked wonders for my motivation!) but still, anything you think you can do would be hugely appreciated.
I'd also like to add a couple more choice quotes in there somewhere, but I can't think of ones that are both funny and appropriate, and I wouldn't get the wording right from memory anyway... so if you have any ideas for good SN quotes to sprinkle through the entry, that would be REALLY great.
Again, thanks for the DVD info, and I hope we can pool our resources to make this entry into a definitive one.
DVD information
MykeyII Posted Aug 22, 2002
Ooh...a chance to break out my excessive Sports Night nerdiness...
Check out the following sites:
A Sports Night quotes site. Goes through most of the first season, with organization by episode.
Has links to scripts and transcripts of many of the episodes.
I believe they have a good quotes section for Sports Night.
I can't write much more at the moment, but I will get back to you with more when I can.
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DVD information
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