A Conversation for Sarcasm


Post 1

Fenchurch M. Mercury

This is the worst entry in the whole freekin' guide. I almost fizzled and melted away when I looked at it. I fear part of my brains wished to escape the horrendous torture and leaked out of my ears. No one should ever in their entire lives read this article. I need to go now...I feel so dirty.



Post 2


Without being sarcastic, Fenchurch - that was a really bad example of sarcasm.


Post 3


On the contrary, that has to be the finest example of sarcasm I have ever seen. Mark Twain couldn't have done better if he had ten years to think of a reply.


Post 4

Armchair Researcher

This could go on for time, wouldn't that be just great?


Post 5

Darreny-Warreny (32619)

Fascist! Whatever happened to freedom of speech? smiley - tongueout


Post 6

Darreny-Warreny (32619)

(I mean Fenchurch)


Post 7

Armchair Researcher

Darreny, see Sine's reply(!)


Post 8

Darreny-Warreny (32619)



Post 9

Tomthumb (43028)

Is there a competition for the shortest message going on here? Because if there is I've just done quite badly.


Post 10

Fiat Abarth

No, you've done just fine. Truly.

The Fiat Abarth

Post 11

Tomthumb (43028)

Nice handling on gravel and mud, shame about tarmac. Oh, and it looks like two cornflakes packets glued together.

No, just *a* Fiat Abarth

Post 12

Fiat Abarth

These days I refuse to be handled on anything other than mud. The cornflake packet thing is still a problem, but I think I'll try switching hairdressers and see if that helps at all.

No, just *a* Fiat Abarth

Post 13

Darreny-Warreny (32619)

This makes my skin crawl. I can no longer bear to look.

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