A Conversation for VIPER: A Free-Roam RPG

The Training Room

Post 61

Hamish the Dingo (Keeper Of Bert The Semi-Stunned Albatross, Evil Scheming Plans And Childish Rude Noises)

*knocks Pestilemce out of the way before diving through the door*

We'll finish this later chump

The Training Room

Post 62


The room becomes dark .......... Then a crack off thunder steams through the door and there apears AGNI the light dragon ....... The dragon slowlys morphs back into the human self and RYU is reaveled , Anyone for a fight or are you all chicken ???????

The Training Room

Post 63


Recrash ambles in, dressed as a giant chicken. Feathers flutter and float off his moth-eaten suit, which has seen much better days, since, say, 1985. He is dressed in full battle gear, about ten thousand swords, knives, shivs, throwing stars, and assorted sharp objects.

"Ain't no one here but us chickens."

The Training Room

Post 64


Ryu opens his eyes and replys " chickens , i eat chickens for lunch" His eyes ogo into the back of his headand they start to glow " unleash the dragon " The room turns black and AGNI apears . He lunges

The Training Room

Post 65

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

*Recrash is blown backwards in a shower of debris. Ryu is nowhere to be seen. Probably blown clean out the door...*

Sorry, Ryu. But since this all began with you in the Hanger, you can't be in two places at once! Don't worry, you'll get plenty of combat...

*A Figure jumps through the newly formed hole, but is smashed back out by a powerful blow from Recrash. Three more men swing in, all dressed in black Ninja-style outfits. Two weild swords, one has two small scythes. All have pistols in sidearm holsters. All are ready to kill...*

The Training Room

Post 66



Recrash lepas forward in a blur of motion, sumersaulting over one ninja-creep and cutting past the other in a clash of steel on steel. He turns and faces his four combatants. Smoking holes in his chicken suit reveal the battle armor underneath. Blades in both hands, he circles to better footing, a metal keg on his back sloshing.

"All right, how do you want me, regular or extra! Crispy!"

"Yaboo!" (leaps forward slashing)

The Training Room

Post 67


Ryu enters the room with a dark look in his eye , " i wouldn't touch the chicken ......." He leaps into the air does a triple somersault and brings his sword down on the first ninja

The Training Room

Post 68


"Do not touch the chicken," the figure in feathers and chain mail exclaims as he dashes forward with a long knife and nearly skewers a combatant. "The chicken will touch you."

ZIP! ZIP! Shuriken.

"Not fair!" Recrash ducks and dodges as three ninjetts swing their long swords. He counters with a whirl of block and counter-thrust as he retreats from their superior range.

"Ah, hell. Ryu, hit the deck."

Then he pulls out two MP5s and starts hosing.

The Training Room

Post 69


Ryu dives across the room as the bullets ripple across the top of his back , the one ninja left standing makes a break for the door
" where do you think your going " ryu leaps across the room and puts the top of his sword through his skull " i told him not to touch the chicken "
< leaves the training room in searce for more intruders >

The Training Room

Post 70

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

*Another figure lands in the room. He stands with his back to Ryu, facing Recrash.*
[Incubus] Long time no see. I hope my plaything has been training...
*He turns and kicks out, slamming Ryu back into the wall.*
[Incubus] Keep out brat! this is between us... Now, prey... Let's play!
*Incubus leaps into the fray, and a deadly battle ensues...*

The Training Room

Post 71


the room had been lit with constant flashes of gunfire, with Recrash, guns in hand, wading into the enemy and firing point-blank. Shell casings litter the ground. Yin and Yang ninjas die in heaps.

The battle is mostly over. A torn and wearied Recrash looks at them, machine guns smoking. He lets one drop to his side by its sling, and then extracts the other's clip. He doesn't seem to notice the new evil behind him.

He finishes reloading.

And turns.

The Training Room

Post 72



Recrash roars to beat his own screaming guns, tongues of flame reaching out and sparking off Incubus&#8217;s whirling swords as he expertly deflects the copper-jacketed slugs. He is, however, unable to move much and Recrash uses this to move over to Ryu and tag his with a transport beacon.

&#8220;Computer, beam this one out.&#8221; And Ryu vanishes in the transporter haze.

CLICk. ClicK. No more ammo.

&#8220;Hmpfh.&#8221; He grunts, pulling off his guns and throwing aside. &#8220;I suppose we should go blade-to-blade now.&#8221;

The Training Room

Post 73

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

*Incubus leaps gleefully at his foe. The blades meet in a flurry of blows. For a time the battle is tied, then Incubus begins to gain an advantage. With a daring move, he hits Recrash in the knee with a kick, knocking him over. He leaps onto the prone figure, ready to kill. A figure enters behind the two warriors.*
[Incubus] Ah, Angel. Here to watch the unworthy die?
[Angel] Yes... I am...
*She pulls out an AK47, and blasts Incubus apart with a volley of rounds to the head. Recrash kicks off the headless corpse as Angel approaches.*
[Angel] Are you alright? I'm glad he didn't hurt you...

The Training Room

Post 74


< ryu enters > " Pestilence where are you "

The Training Room

Post 75

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

*Angel looks up, eyes wide. She raises her AK at Ryu.*
[Angel] Stay back! I'm warning you... please...

The Training Room

Post 76


" what are you doing "
< slowly makes for the door >

The Training Room

Post 77

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

*Angel keeps her gun aimed at Ryu. There is fear in her eyes, and the headless corpse next to the prone Recrash doesn't help much.*
[Angel] Just... Go. Please... Don't make me kill anymore...

The Training Room

Post 78


Stands, slightly dazed and amazed at the turn of events. Blood wells from a few superficial cuts, but his breathing has begun to return to normal.

He stares. Her weapon is still pointed at the door where Ryu exited, the hot barrel wavering slightly, as she shivers with fear all over.

'I'm glad he didn't hurt you?' What was that? Coming from a sworn enemy, one he'd maltreated while under the effects of his malevolent counterpart's personality overlap.

"Okay now," he breathed, hands to his sides, not appearing threatening at all. "Its oo-kay." he whispered, being as easy and gentle about is as possible-

He leaped forward, batted the gun away, brought his hand to her neck and made a few light touches - and she went out softly, collapsing as he caught her in his arms. He checked her life signs. Fine. She was breathing, snoring, steadily, peacefully sleeping.

"This is my day for the weird ones."

The Training Room

Post 79

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

*Angel groans. She slowely opens her eyes.*
[Angel] Recrash... Is he really...
*Recrash looks at the headless corpse. If he wasn't dead, he was damn good at faking it. Recrash nods.*
[Angel] I'm glad. He was... the only person ever to care for me... to love me. He raised me like his own, and made me feel... But he did so much... so many evils. His hands are stained... and he made me stain my own in his name...
*She begins crying heavily. The enormaty of what she just did begins to sink in...*

The Training Room

Post 80


"Cheez," he says.
The girl needs some serious therapy.
But first-
he extracted the medspray with one hand while still carrying her, selected enough cc's to tranq her for a week, and injected her.
He rang the Infirmary.
"The Doctor reporting, another casualty, please prepare the long-term bed."

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