h2g2 Academy Awards - The Peta's

1 Conversation

Its back and bigger than ever!


Following an enforced hiatus last year, brought
about by Rupert1, the h2g2 Film Society is proud to
announce the return of the h2g2
Academy Awards
for their second annual

The story so far

Two years ago the Post, at great lengths, promoted
the 1st Annual h2g2 Academy
. The result was that a total of 59
researchers let their voice be heard and the
Peta's2 were won by the following
makers of film.

  • Lifetime Achievement -Stanley Kubrick
  • Best Picture - American Beauty
  • Best Actor in a leading role - Kevin Spacey
  • Best Actress in a leading role - Anette
  • Best Actress in a supporting role - Toni
  • Best Actor in a supporting role - Haley
    Joel Osmet

Many of these awards were keenly fought right up to
the evening Oscar night when, Demon Drawer had to count up all
the various votes amidst the discussions on the
threads and disgard any double votes, pregnant chards
and spoilt papers.

Voting and new categories

Well now it is back and voting has already started
over here so hurry along
and let your voice be heard. This year there are four
new categories:

  • Best Director
  • Best Song
  • Technical Award Visual
  • Technical Award Audio

So come on over and get involved in the largest
movie vote on h2g2 EVER!!! And look out for the
winners and the presentation ceremony at the end of

Demon Drawer

14.02.02. Front Page

Back Issue Page

1The time the site was down
before the BBC took over.
2h2g2's very own Golden

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