A Conversation for Hullabaloo's Vogon Poetry


Post 1

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Oh thank you. Most refreshing.
On this day of insipid romantic cliches and flowery self-delusions, I needed that. I has its own absorbing depths as well and gives me pause to think-on on subjects far from the madding crowd of puupy-lovists.
Indeed, merci beaucoup!


Post 2

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

It has its own...
Not "I".


Post 3


Ah *sigh* I felt as if it were written just for me smiley - loveblush Almost makes Valentine's Day bearable... Nah smiley - yuk


Post 4

The Artist formerly known as Hullabaloo

smiley - ok

smiley - blush

Hull smiley - artistsmiley - smiley


Post 5

The Artist formerly known as Hullabaloo

Or, slightly more articulately, thanks for your generous-hearted praise, John, (as ever smiley - winkeye)

and thanks, deackie smiley - blush. I hereby dedicate the poem to you - it was meant for you all the time... smiley - hug

Sorry for the delay in responding,

Hull smiley - artistsmiley - smiley


Post 6


Thank you smiley - blush My best, favourite (and only) Valentines' poem smiley - smiley

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