The H2G2 Amature Photographic Image Society

6 Conversations

Welcome to the h2g2 APIS, this place is designed for all the amature photographers on h2g2 and for proffesionals too.

It is a place to come and share your photos with the people and discuss the composition, apparture, DOF, and beuty of the photographs.

To post a picture, just put it somewhere on the web, add a thread with a link to the picture and any information you might want to give.

Usually, usefull information will be:
What camera was used, and with what lense. Whether it was on a tripod or handheld. The time of day and year the photo was taken.
f-stop, Light metering, focusing, aperture and anything else you might have to say about the photograph.

Joining in is done simply by posting to the SignUp thread. When joining, you can mention what you want noted about you, like the type of camera you own, whar lenses you use, what type of photography you like, and wheather you like broccoli.

I use a Minolta 505si and I like to take photographs of people. Usually not of people posin, but of people doing things they might do if they weren't being photographed. I love taking photos of people Dancing, and being a Dancer allows me to do that alot.
I don't know anything about photography. I just point the camera at things and hope for the best smiley -

Kodak DC3200. I take photos when I remember to take my camera- it generally ends up left on a table.
S. P. Morgan
I use mostly Minolta equipment, currently an Alpha Sweet (Japanese version of an Maxxum Xtsi or Dynax 505si Super) and a Maxxum 7000. I use a 50mm F1.7 and a Tamron 28-200mm F4-5.6 for most pictures. I also use a Fujifilm FinePix 600z digital camera for some pictures (an older generation 1.5 megapixel model). My subjects range from outdoors and nature to the children I teach (mostly based in Japan). My goal is to work my way into motorsports photography, or even into photojournalism. I like broccoli, preferably steamed.
Tom Morris
I'm interested in photography, and am currently doing A-level Photography at evening class. I'm interested in both colour and black and white, and process/print both at home (although the colour film processing ain't up to much at the moment!), and am experimenting with other types of printing including lith, infrared, copying on to film, medium format and all sorts of other funky junk. My main camera is a Pentax MX, but I've formally adopted a Zeiss Super Ikonta, and soon going to start experimenting with a Thornton Pickard folding camera (with a 5x4 holder). I've been interested in photography since January this year, and aim to continue my interest with university soon.

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