A Conversation for Airline call signs
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A689916 - Airline call signs
Sam Posted Feb 20, 2002
Oh my god! What a sexy beast you are! The table looks superb - great work and very much appreciated.
A689916 - Airline call signs
Jamie Posted Feb 20, 2002
Looks good I would suggest that having Call-sign: in each cell is redundant - a quick search and replace should deal with that. Then I think the header row should read:
Aircraft operator | Call-sign | Country
A689916 - Airline call signs
Ausnahmsweise, wie üblich (Consistently inconsistent) Posted Feb 20, 2002
Good job Taliesin! All this talk and no action. Then you came along. It would still work without some of the width percentages, etc. I think
Do you think you need the words Call sign: in evey cell of the column that's entitled Operator?
Congrats sidsaucer too. I'm eyeing your plane spotting entry.
A689916 - Airline call signs
taliesin Posted Feb 21, 2002
Done and done. I originally left the repetitious 'call sign' in because I really didn't want to edit the content. I left the percentages in, because my program added them automatically, and as it turned out, the first column was 42% --- How could I resist?
Those with sharp eyes will notice there is no country listed for Euroair Transport. Sidsaucer, can you provide this or is it unknown?
Galen, relax! It's not even my real name
A689916 - Airline call signs
sidsaucer Posted Mar 9, 2002
My that code looks scary, I'm glad someone can use it productively though. The heading in the first column needs to be changed to read "Aircraft operator" but otherwise this looks fine. Is it too much to ask that some templates of two, three and four columns be placed somewhere on the site for use when appropriate by semi-evolved beings like me that don't take easily to all these strange mark-up codes. I hope someone equally helpful is floating in cyberspace when I come to update this information next year.
I wonder if h2g2 researchers refuse to fly in airliners when they realise that the baggage tags refer to their destination in UPPER CASE letters. Perhaps they travel light with just a toothbrush, towel and laptop?
Thanks muchly.
A689916 - Airline call signs
sidsaucer Posted Mar 10, 2002
Thanks to all those taking the trouble to improve the layout of this list.
A689916 - Airline call signs
Whisky Posted Mar 11, 2002
Hi there,
You might find this useful, I use it all the time...
it's a wonderful little programme you can download, written by MaW (U55669), which also has a nifty little sub-routine for creating tables
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A689916 - Airline call signs
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