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Why is the UK the worst for Radio Station choice?

Post 1


In the last 7 years, every 4 weeks I drive to the North East from Kent. I like to listen to the radio, OK I like rock music, but I am fairly eclectic in my music tastes. I like plays on the radio, and some discussion. I also like some comedy. However, every 50 miles or so I search aimlessly in vain to satify my needs. Out of a possible 10 stations there seems to be a preponderance of ones owned by the BBC, playing virtually the same content.

We have nationally Radios 1 thru 5, plus a national commercial classical station. I do not count AM, nor LW only FM (until we follow the States and (hopefully) get Internet Radio in our cars).

Why is there not any commercially owned National Radio Stations broadcasting on FM?

Why cannot I listed to a play when driving North between the hours of 7pm and 2am on a Friday, or listen to a Rock Music programme?

Podcasts are a great idea, but why oh! why is it taking the BBC so long to issue ALL programmes in this format? The Archers is now available, and I asked of the BBC why this was not available at the outset of Podcasts over a year ago.

Sounds of the Sixties is not available in this format. Radio plays are not available in this format. Bob Harris' programmes are not available in this format. How about I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue being made in this format, not to mention the last 20/30 years of comedy - will we ever hear the Navy Lark or Jimmy Clitheroe or 'Round the Horne on Podcast??

If the BBC continue to 'hog' the airwaves and we never end up with the choice of Radio Stations they have in the States, please at least provide sufficient Podcasts for those of us who like to hear what WE like to hear, when we are stuck in never ending queues of traffic, or even long distant rail journeys.

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Why is the UK the worst for Radio Station choice?

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