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Decking the Halls with Something Else

Post 1


Hello out there--

This Christmas has to be celebrated differently than those of the past.
I don't know how or if they celebrate the holiday in foreign countries, but in the United States, in my household however, Christmas is measured in toys and other material goods, not, as it should be, in love, respect, admiration, ingenuity, etcetera, and I think we are due for a change.
To shine a light on our economy: I'm not going to pretend I know anything about it, I just know I have less money this year than in previous years and it feels like our entire country is bloated with debt, too much to even consider buying multiple, extravagant gifts for those we love. So here is my question: What are the more healthy (mental first, then physical) alternatives to gift giving this year? Usually the stress gets so bad it feels futile to even try. I always have to get to perfect gift not knowing what the individual needs or wants and it's just nauseating to me. It never felt right and I want to change the dynamic within the family this year, and for years to come.
I am at a loss and that's not to say I'm not creative; I've giving homemade gifts many times, but this year I feel stranded, and I just wanted to know if anybody out there had any suggestions.
I have a strong belief that any Mother/Father/Aunt/Brother/Friend/Spouse/Coworker would delight in knowing their gift came from you, who made it with heart and hands, with them in mind singularly, than if they recieved it pre-packaged along with a gift reciept.
Any suggestion is appreciated.

Hoping All Enjoy the Holiday.

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Decking the Halls with Something Else

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