A Conversation for Test for...weirdness?
One Weird One ready for a light nap
SantanicoPandemonium Started conversation Feb 13, 2002
Hello all, I am an old traveler, but new to this part of the known universe(heretofore unknown to me).
I took this test and thoguht...My wouldn't a cookie be fun about now,all the fun crumbs and sugary dimples, (looks away from mirror) and then remembered the instructions,squashed my thoughs of food, ok except for the squash reference and thought of a BLUE Hammer....
My guy is apparently normal,(as normal as any red hammered individual can be)though don't tell him or he'll be inconsolable for a week.
I am very happy to have found this way station in life, but I must now go in search of a laundromat,my towel is quite ripe(it may even ask for voting rights in the next election).Hopefully a good wash and fluff won't harm it's tensile strength, lord knows the smell and wear are strong enough...ok I'll stop as I have just had an offer of a Quarter to do so immediately!
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One Weird One ready for a light nap
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