A Conversation for Test for...weirdness?
Carrot is a tool
Lord Morgan Started conversation Feb 1, 2002
Umm, I thought orange carrot, is that normal?
Carrot is a tool
Go-Go Girl Posted Feb 2, 2002
Well, considering you were meant to think of a tool, yes, I'd say that a carrot is perfectly normal.
I'm sure someone, somewhere can think of a perfectly good use for a carrot other than as a vegetable.
e.g. if you made a whole in one end it could be a giant needle. A pair of carrots could be used as knitting needles. You could tie a carrot to the end of a stick and hey, presto, an axe...the possibilities are endless!
Carrot is a tool
Lord Morgan Posted Mar 25, 2002
Ohh, yeah, thanks.
On the end of a stick could be used as a remote control, or crowd control device.
Legs for terriers.
Thanks, I have seen the light.
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Carrot is a tool
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