A Conversation for Sutton Coldfield (Birmingham, U.K.)


Post 1

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Brilliant! Bravo! Especially liked the history bit! "This worrahl fields wennaworralad" pretty much somes it up (That's an excerpt of Nottingham history, by the way).


Post 2

The Liquidator

I moved to Sutton Coldfield when I was nine.
I went to Keyse School. Its long gone. They built houses on it.
I have no doubt there was sexual abuse of children going on there at the time, but I was too young to realise what was happening.
I went to Bishop Vesey Grammar School.
They asked me to leave (eventualy)
I got married in Sutton Coldfield.
We had children in Sutton Coldfield.
We left Sutton Coldfield 15 years ago.
I got divorced.
I'm happy now.
The Liquidator


Post 3

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

May the future continue to bring you happiness!



Post 4


Well done, brings the whole place to life.
I live in Erdington, well, at the moment I'm actually at Uni at Warwick (in Coventry - now there's logic for you). Went to Bishop Vesey's Grammar school, but, unlike one of the researchers I was not fortunate enough to be asked to leave so had to stick it out all the way through 'A'-levels.
I still have loads of friends in Sutton (an Erdington but most of those are a little more dodgy and perhaps should be refered to as 'acquaintances'). I liked your entry but just thought I would add some stuff about the pubs.
Rosie's is not really all it's cracked up to be - unless you like 70's/80's cheese which there's nothing wrong with but I'll stick with the Three Tuns if you don't mind. I don't think O'Neills is that big on opening late anymore but I may be wrong. The Three Tuns is in loads of 'Good Berr Guides' but I don't really see why - Dog Bolter is a real killer.
Hope Sutton is still there when I get back ie hasn't been invaded by the Lodge or the Vale.
Thanks for an entertaining and interesting entry.


Post 5


Maybe I've missed the pointsmiley - wah, but there's lots of stuff on these pages that adds nothing othe knowledge of the reader (except where not to send your kids to secondary school! - is this still a valid comment?smiley - erm)anyway I want to know more about SC, specifically how to rent a place without having to hit all the internet savvy expensive agents who don't really care what you get to live in! does anyone have a clue? is there a local rag? do postcards in newsagents' windows still get results? is there a beter way? does anyone have a really nice place to let for less than £50 a month smiley - ale- thought not!smiley - sadface


Post 6

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

Hi RuaridhnotScottish smiley - smiley

There is an Edited version of this Entry at A147935

It was on the <./>FrontPage</.> (published) in 1999, so it is probably a little out of date. Edited Entries have to be balanced, so we can't include things like favouring one estate agent over anothers. smiley - ok

You could try asking your question at <./>Askh2g2</.> you'd either get up-to-date advice, or advised where to get up-to-date advice. smiley - oksmiley - smiley

smiley - bluebutterfly

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