The h2g2 Poem
Created | Updated Aug 28, 2003

These two poems belong together. They express feelings which many of us have experienced after the break-up of a relationship.
Raising Ghosts
It is so long since we made love,
Since the stars shone in your eyes
And since I held your loving body in my arms.
Our love has died. Its cold ashes
Colder than the space between the stars.
(That used to shine in your eyes).
And last night I gazed at him, and he was not you.
He kissed me, and he was not you.
I held him in my arms, and he was not you.
And deep inside me, he came,
but he was not you..
The Space Between the Stars
'Come round' you said.
'It's a long journey,
you'll be tired'.
So I did, and we ate Chinese
And you told me things
But didn't ask me any questions.
And we were further apart this evening,
Eating Chinese,
Than we had been last night,
When your ghost was in my bed,
Haunting me when I took him in my arms