A Conversation for South-west England Meet 2002 (child-friendly)

I'll be there with my spade!

Post 1

fords - number 1 all over heaven

I think college should be finished up by then, so count me in! smiley - biggrin

I'll be there with my spade!

Post 2

Waiting Room

Cool, We'll see you there smiley - biggrin


I'll be there with my spade!

Post 3

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

ADD Me!!!!!
Finally a meet I can attend, what with living near Penzance
I have aims to have a summer job, but I'll make sure I get the w/e off (by telling them when I apply), and either camp, or drive to wherever each day.

I'll be there with my spade!

Post 4

Waiting Room

Cool - will see you there

Bring a Space Hopper

smiley - biggrin


I'll be there with my spade!

Post 5

Waiting Room

I need to give the campsite an idea of how many will be in our group and how many pitches we will require. Carlyon Bay has offered us a group discount, and will be able to give me final prices, once they know the size of the group. Therefore, could everyone who is coming please go to F81932?thread=180710 and follow directions there.smiley - ok


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