A Conversation for South-west England Meet 2002 (child-friendly)
Me me me
C Hawke Started conversation Jan 3, 2002
No not the slogan of a former "other half" but statement of me wanting to go along
Eden sounds cool.
Whilst noit exactly offering hospitality (small flat) there is a camp site within 1km of me here in Exmouth, I will be happy to provide warmth and shower if need be I think
What have you got me doing 'Sus !!!!
Me me me
Waiting Room Posted Jan 13, 2002
Excellent. Any preferences on date, as it still seems to be totally flexible at present? April was under consideration.
Me me me
Waiting Room Posted Feb 10, 2002
Please read the updated south-west meet page. Likely date for main meet-up is to be 22nd June 2002.
Me me me
Peregrin Posted Feb 11, 2002
The plans look fantastic, 'sus! Highly impressive, count Tink and me in as definites (assuming it doesn't clash with our other holiday plans, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't - and we'll try to get time off for all the days
Me me me
Waiting Room Posted Feb 11, 2002
'tink has been added to the ever growing list. Solstice party here we go
(Oh and in discussion with other co-plotters we have agreed that dancing naked around stone circles is optional )
Me me me
Peregrin Posted Feb 12, 2002
*grins* OK then! Is there a B&Q handy? They sell bricks for the bargainous price of 21p (I know cos Tink and I bought one), we could build our own stone circle?
Me me me
C Hawke Posted Feb 12, 2002
If you really, really want to, then don't let me stop you - although you never know how the locals may react - as long as you don't disturb the sheep
Me me me
Peregrin Posted Feb 12, 2002
*ahem* I have no intention of danced naked round it, but I may be convinced to do a quick scurry in my boxer shorts.
Me me me
Waiting Room Posted Apr 28, 2002
*reads backlog*
I need to give the campsite an idea of how many will be in our group and how many pitches we will require. Carlyon Bay has offered us a group discount, and will be able to give me final prices, once they know the size of the group. Therefore, could everyone who is coming please go to F81932?thread=180710 and follow directions there.
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Me me me
- 1: C Hawke (Jan 3, 2002)
- 2: Waiting Room (Jan 4, 2002)
- 3: Peregrin (Jan 13, 2002)
- 4: Waiting Room (Jan 13, 2002)
- 5: Peregrin (Jan 14, 2002)
- 6: Waiting Room (Feb 10, 2002)
- 7: Peregrin (Feb 11, 2002)
- 8: Waiting Room (Feb 11, 2002)
- 9: Peregrin (Feb 12, 2002)
- 10: C Hawke (Feb 12, 2002)
- 11: Peregrin (Feb 12, 2002)
- 12: Waiting Room (Apr 28, 2002)
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