A Conversation for Command & Conquer

A674804 - Command & Conquer

Post 21

Yoav Feuerstein - The Phantom

I don't know what you think of the israelis OR the palestinians, but I would be really happy to find out, if you don't care telling me that?

A674804 - Command & Conquer

Post 22

Martin Harper

smiley - erm
It's a war - I think both sides have done bad things - just as we did during WW2. And it's all too depressing for words smiley - blue Both sides seem quite happy to kill civilians as well as soldies, directly or indirectly, to achieve their goals. And I just don't see a way out smiley - sadface

A674804 - Command & Conquer

Post 23

Yoav Feuerstein - The Phantom

Well me neither, but you must know that ONLY the palestians have terrorist organizations. any way, it's a really sad story, you are right.

A674804 - Command & Conquer

Post 24

Martin Harper

One side uses suicide bombers and lone gunmen to do its killing, the other side uses helicopter gunships, tanks, soldiers, bulldozers, and lately just starvation. smiley - sadface I'm sure it'll be a great comfort to the dead palestinian kids that they were killed by missiles and tank shells rather than a human bomb.

I'm sorry, I really don't want to go into the whole subject. Breaks my heart smiley - cry


A674804 - Command & Conquer

Post 25

Yoav Feuerstein - The Phantom

Please, It's important to me that you will understand the real sitation here. You probably think, ok he CANT be right since he is on the one side so how can he talk agains his own side? but please try to understand..
Did you knew that MANY times the Israeli goverment decided NOT to attack the palestians after they had suicide bombers, but STILL they didnt stopped killing us, the Israelies.

A674804 - Command & Conquer

Post 26

Martin Harper

I'm sorry, but I'm really not going to get into this debate here. There are other places to discuss that war: do a search on h2g2, if you like. But don't involve me, not here, and not now. smiley - sadface


A674804 - Command & Conquer

Post 27

Yoav Feuerstein - The Phantom

Ok, sorry I REALLY didn't meen to upset you.. smiley - sadface

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